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2023 06 21 Heat Wave in the Nicey – Lounge to celebrate summer and music !

Heat Wave is in the Nicey – Lounge to celebrate summer and music !

Enjoy to have an evening in the Nicey – Lounge,
frienliness, music and food to taste the wednesday 21st of june from 8pm !


Summer is there…
With friends, with your love or alone, enjoy to come to celebrate the summer and music in the Nicey – Lounge. We offer a jazzy concert with René Pierre et Emmanuelle de Heat Wave, a salted and sweet snack home made by our chef Morad and his commis Thaïs.

That’s the program:

Where : in the Nicey – Lounge
Concert from  8pm
Dinner from 7.30 am
Only on booking

The salted snack will be  :
Verrine of tomato and avocado
Mini club sandwich
Mini croque monsieur
Millefeuille de chèvre
Taboulé of quinoa
Lollipop of caramelised tomato

The sweet snack are
Verrine lemon and strawberries from the Farm du Ribourdon
Verrine of melon soup and ginger
Mini stew of pinneaple

Price : 30€ ( out of drinks)
Please book on or 00.33.638.03.31.91
Limited place